Today got out into the garden really for the first time this year. My daughter Piper helped me plant my favorite new foliage...Ligularia aka: Farfugium japonicum Aureomaculatum. We've said the word "Ligularia" around the house so many times now that my husband Lee says it just keeps repeating over and over again in his head. The large round shiny leaves make for great contrast in the garden. I've never grown it before but I'm pretty excited about it. I read somewhere that it's a garden geek's dream plant. It's pretty small right now and will grow slowly, but Piper and I can wait. It looks great next to the variegated dionella (tall spiky green/white leaves). I plan to add in some brightly colored heuchera, coleus, and white caladiums when it gets a little warmer.
Type: Perennial/clumping Hardiness: zones 7-8 Light: light shade/filtered sun (makes it perfect for my tree covered yard) Size: up to 2' x 2' Soil: moist Blooms: Yellow daisy like flowers on tall stalks. Fall, into early winter (up until first frost around new years) Foliage: when mature up to 1' x 1'
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ReplyDeleteI'm honored to be your first follower sweetheart! Now where do I dig those holes? (I just can't stop keep repeating in my head: Ligularia, ligularia, ligularia...) :)
ReplyDeleteI was in my garden just this week and noticed my ligularia is coming back! I was so excited. The flowers were very nice. I had previously had no luck but when I planted it in full shade by the gutter it is happy. Yours looks happy too and should bloom this year.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if you have heard of Blotanical but it is a directory of garden blogs. About 2000 I think. It is a way to find lots of blogs and see posts you are interested in and to talk to other garden bloggers (in addition to comments of course). Check it out if you haven't. It is a vital tool for bloggers. Again, welcome to blogging! I love seeing blogs when they are new. I remember those days when mine was very new and I couldn't wait to get to 100 posts. Boy does the time go by fast.