We've only lived in our 43-year-old house for 5 1/2 years. This clematis that returns every spring in my "Chimney Herb Garden" is one of the only things I kept from the previous owner. Normally it's covered in giant five-inch wide blooms. This year, and after the February 12 snow, along with many below-freezing nights in January it was reluctant to come back. Faithfully it has, but note how some of the poor little blooms near the bottom half only have four petals, and look so sad. I gave it a boost of mushroom compost a few weeks back. So along with the heat, sun, and maybe some much needed nutrition, the blooms began to get larger and larger, as they are at the top of the vine.
Keeping it company below are: A misplaced day lily, Rosemary, mint, thyme, tarragon, sage, dill, and one lone tomato plant.
Check out all things clematis here: www.clematis.org
Looks like it was gaining speed as it got longer and the blooms got bigger.