Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Dog Days of Summer are Here

It's hot. Not just a warm day, but heat indices in the 110-degree-range-hot. I decided to be an arm-chair gardener this weekend. Maybe I'll just do some watering.... Maybe I'll just make some notes of what needs to be done soon. Real soon.
-Weed (especially pesky smilax and wild blackberry. OUCH!)
-Put pine straw down
-Fill in white impatiens
-Top off coleus
-Remove pleathery dead magnolia leaves which CONTINUE to fall late into the season (note in the photo)
-Cut back azaleas

Breaking a sweat just thinking about all that needs to be done. Time to take a break and get a glass of ice tea.

(ventured out long enough to snap a photo of part of the garden today. Ligularia, coleus, caladiums, autumn fern, holly fern, persian shield)


  1. Early mornings are made for these tasks especially this time of year.

  2. CIMS; You're right! I shall turn that into a call to action....

  3. Hello Melinda,

    I have enjoyed what I have seen of your blog, and look forward to seeing what you have going on in the weeks to come...Keep up the good work...
    My mother is a Master Gardener here in Columbia, and I have recently helped her launch a blog of her own, so when you have a moment, please feel free to take a look and register, and let us know what you thing (
    Once again, Awesome job on your blog, and we will be following what you've got going on...

    Take Care
