I'm such a geek about weather. I amuse my husband and daughter all the time with how I keep a constant watch on the sky, and the local radar. I follow it all: hurricanes, snow (yes even in Charleston this past February), dry spells, and even dew points. I prognosticate and sometimes I get it right. Maybe even as much as any of our fabulous local meteorologists. So when I heard about the Weather Spotter Certification class given by the WCBD, the local NBC affiliate, and Charleston's National Weather Service here in Charleston, I jumped at the opportunity. We learned about what to report and what not to report, the difference between a funnel cloud and a land spout. My eyes glazed over from starring at the screen...a room full of people who love weather as much as me...all raising their hands to see who could answer the questions first....more fun than a human should be allowed to have!
Now if I could only slow the copious amounts of rain we've had this August so the grass will stop growing two inches every day.
Weather Spotters Report:
1. Tornadoes, waterspouts, funnel clouds or rotating wall clouds
2. Hail (Any size)
3. Estimated or measured wind speeds of 50 mph or greater
4. Flooding
5. Rainfall amounts greater than 1 inch per hour
6. Damage by wind or lightning
7. Downed trees and/or power lines
To learn more about becoming a certified weather spotter and to download their brochures, go to: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/skywarn/
Wow, congrats. Now I know who to call before outdoor events to get the prognoses.