Fall Tours of Homes & Gardens
Admit it: it’s near impossible to strolldowntown after dark without stealing a glimpse into a lamp-lit window or two. Luckily, for five weeks each fall, the Preservation Society of Charleston gives lovers of history, interior design, and horticulture a chance to get their fill—without any furtive peeking. The annual Fall Tours of Homes and Gardens invites guests inside architecturally significant residences, churches, and public buildings, as well as stunning horticultural displays typically kept behind private garden gates. Choose from among 15 routes, each including about seven city blocks eight distinctive buildings. Trained guides wait at stops on the self-guided tour to share interesting facts about the locale’s history and current condition. You’ll be able to satisfy your curiosity and support the society’s preservation efforts all at once.
Locations vary. Thursday & Friday, 7-10pm; Saturday & Sunday, 2-5pm. $45; $120 weekend pass.
(843)722-4630, www.preservationsociety.org
Gardens for Gardeners Tours
Take a stroll through some of the Holy City’s most ravishing gardens with the Charleston Horticultural Society. After a self-guided tour of Mazyck Wraggborough, also known as the Garden District, enjoy a light reception with fellow tour-goers. Proceeds benefit the educational mission of the Society, as well as its commitment to maintaining the excellence of Lowcountry horticulture. Tickets are limited and the tours are rain or shine, so plan accordingly for the private excursion.
Mazyck Wraggborough.
Sunday, noon-4pm. $45; $25 member. (843)579-9922,
And while you are at it, remind them about the Charleston Horticultural Society's garden tour on October 3rd. Learn more here http://charlestonparksconservancy.org/events/view_event/charleston_horticultural_societys_gardens_for_gardeners_tour